
How could player get Dye Materials fast for WildStar Costumes - wscredits.com

How could player get Dye Materials fast for WildStar Costumes - wscredits.com

Almost all online games have dyeing and customization system, the WildStar is no exception. Next, let us introduce the process of dyeing in WildStar. Everybody knows that if you want to dye for your costumes you should get the dye materials at first. So, how could we get Dye Materials fast?

1.Drop from monsters, generally the dungeon can drop the high level dye materials.
2.To purchase dye materials from Auction House.
3.To purchase it from vendor, while you can only get the low level dye materials.

ws dye distribution specialist

After you accepted the dye materials you can click right key to use it, then talk with Dye Distribution Specialist. Now, you can come to this interface:

ws costumes

To choose the drop-down box under character, you can chose the classification of the dyeing. The, all WildStar Items would appear on the left, each items can choose three colors at least. Of course, different color has different price. In this picture, i cost 1 WildStar Platinum for a set items. If you have enough money, to click Dye, you have done it!

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